Field Selling vs. Inside Selling: How to Excel in Different Sales Roles

[“Sales Shot” Workshop]

Hiring for Different Sales Roles?

Field sales, virtual sales, inside sales, telesales, channel sales – what’s the difference? Which career is right for you? How do you succeed in each role? Watch this session to learn about the evolution of selling, when and why companies embrace inside sales, and why others don’t (and shouldn’t!). We’ll cover quick tips on what skills, attributes, and behaviors are lock-fits for the many roles in each lane and how to rise quickly to the top.

Whether you’re hiring a salesperson, searching for a new gig, or working on a promotion (i.e. BDR to AE, AE to Manager, Manager to Director), we’ve got you covered in this Sales Shot!

Watch the video replay!

Hiring for Different Sales Roles?

Field sales, virtual sales, inside sales, telesales, channel sales – what’s the difference? Which career is right for you? How do you succeed in each role? Watch this session to learn about the evolution of selling, when and why companies embrace inside sales, and why others don’t (and shouldn’t!). We’ll cover quick tips on what skills, attributes, and behaviors are lock-fits for the many roles in each lane and how to rise quickly to the top.

Whether you’re hiring a salesperson, searching for a new gig, or working on a promotion (i.e. BDR to AE, AE to Manager, Manager to Director), we’ve got you covered in this Sales Shot!

Watch the video replay!

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