3 Quick and Easy Tips to Craft a Powerful Sales Pitch

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IMPORTANT: Your Value Prop (aka Sales Pitch) and your Intro are very different things. If you’re using them together, take a stroll over to my post about the SWIIFT℠ Intro. You’re welcome. 😉

Now, let’s talk about value propositions. Also called your elevator speech (when’s the last time you pitched in an elevator, am I right?), a hook, or a SWIIFT℠ Pitch (if you’re a friend of Factor 8).

It’s the answer to, “Who are you with again?” or “What do you do?”

Most of us grabbed this from our marketing departments. This guarantees our response is about 10 seconds too long and contains at least three five-dollar words.

I’m not sure exactly where this works, but it sure as hell isn’t virtual sales. I mean, even on websites, how often are you half a page in and saying, “Um, WHAT?!”

If you drive a truck, you’re not the ‘Head of Mobile Logistics’. Just say you drive a freaking truck! How totally refreshing, right!?

Here are a few general rules for a great sales pitch:

  1. Make it focused on what you do for other people (So What’s In It For Them? = SWIIFT℠). Because, ”I help people sell their goods online” sounds SO much better than, “I sell services so that I can make more commission.”

    TIP: Try starting with, “We help people” or “We help companies”

  2. If your Grandma wouldn’t understand it, simplify it. Acronyms, jargon, and five-dollar marketing words need to be ditched. Remember, you’re trying to get people to talk to you, not to smile, nod, and vacate. This isn’t about you feeling important, it’s about them feeling comfortable, get it?
  3. If you wouldn’t say it after three drinks at your High School reunion, revise it. Again, if your marketing department wrote your sales pitch, you’re in danger here. Imagine bumping into your old locker mate and them asking, “What are you up to these days?” Sure, you want to feel successful, but they aren’t a potential customer. Just be real, okay?

Finally, pitch until they ask. If your value prop feels like your last name in your delivery, it’s like forcing your business card into strangers’ hands on the subway. The best time to deliver the pitch is when someone says, “Wait, I’m sorry, who is this again?” NOW they’re listening! Lay it on them and then ask a question! 

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