Sales Rep Tips
How to Run a Great Discovery Call [“Sales Shot” Workshop Recording]
How to Run a Great Sales Discovery Call
[“Sales Shot” Workshop Recording]
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Need help adapting to the new remote selling world? Request a demo of Outreach, the #1 sales engagement platform that closes more deals faster — so your reps can achieve revenue goals from anywhere. Companies that choose Outreach can expect a 387% return on the investment over three years and an 11% increase in sales productivity (valued at $6.9M). See what the #1 sales engagement platform can do for your business today.
4 Easy Steps For Handling Objections [“Sales Shot” Workshop Recording]
4 Easy Steps For Handling Objections
[“Sales Shot” Workshop Recording]
Learn more about the sponsor of this event!
Need help adapting to the new remote selling world? Request a demo of Outreach, the #1 sales engagement platform that closes more deals faster — so your reps can achieve revenue goals from anywhere. Companies that choose Outreach can expect a 387% return on the investment over three years and an 11% increase in sales productivity (valued at $6.9M). See what the #1 sales engagement platform can do for your business today.
4-Step Process to Overcome Objections [Cheat Sheet]
4-Step Process to Overcome Objections
[Cheat Sheet]
Virtual Selling Strategies to Give Reps a Competitive Advantage [Webinar Recording]
Virtual Selling Strategies to Give Reps a Competitive Advantage
[Webinar Recording]
How to Get More Sales Referrals [“Sales Shot” Workshop Recording]
How to Get More Sales Referrals
[“Sales Shot” Workshop Recording]
Learn more about the sponsor of this event!
Need help adapting to the new remote selling world? Request a demo of Outreach, the #1 sales engagement platform that closes more deals faster — so your reps can achieve revenue goals from anywhere. Companies that choose Outreach can expect a 387% return on the investment over three years and an 11% increase in sales productivity (valued at $6.9M). See what the #1 sales engagement platform can do for your business today.
How to Gain Sales Referrals by Leveraging the Rave [Cheat Sheet]
How to Gain Sales Referrals by Leveraging the Rave
[Cheat Sheet]
Top Voicemail Mistakes Inside Sales Reps Make
Reps often tell us they feel like they could be replaced by an outgoing voicemail message. Sound familiar? Pretty much nobody returns a call, right? Wrong.
In training, we’ve seen the percentage of returned calls increase 2-4X. In fact, we like to run contests to see who can get the most returned calls DURING training (because we put reps live on the phones during training – doesn’t your training vendor?) 😉
So why aren’t they calling you back? You’re probably making one of these three fatal voicemail mistakes:
- Selling in voicemail: Really, what are the odds they call you back with a PO? The voicemail is like the resume: it’s there to get you the interview, not the job. Quit the pitch and instead sell why they should call you back.
- Chatty Cathy: Too much is NOT a good thing. In other words, “Shut up already!” Voicemails should be about 20 seconds or less or I won’t even make it to your name and number.
- The obvious sales call: In intros, we call this the setup: you’re just setting yourself up for failure. Unless you strike it lucky (1:1Million) your contact isn’t waiting for you to call and sell them something, so get creative and think of what value you can add now that WILL get their attention.
Now, two confessions.
Confession #1: I collect unexceptional voicemails… we have found they are a great training tool! Last week I got one that was seven minutes long – and I’m pretty sure he was drunk (“Sheriously LV, we gotta get doo in here and help these peeelew…”) Actually, that might have been a lead. Still didn’t call back.
Do you have an unexceptional voicemail that you’d love to share? Feel free to send them my way! What’s the worst you’ve received (or left)? I’ll start:
Confession #2: Nine years ago I hung up the phone and said, “Oh no. (Actually, I said something else but I’ll keep it PG.) Did I seriously just tell Steve Sharr that I am single in a voicemail? How did that even happen? How do I get it back!?”
Dear readers, we’re married now with two amazing little boys. So all’s well that ends well, right? Actually, yeah. Some of the best voicemails are less robotic and more human. Be authentic, be real. You’ll be more memorable (and apparently desirable! Haha).
Share your story on LinkedIn and tag me @Lauren Bailey so we can all learn from each other’s mistakes. (You can send the story over via message too if you wish to remain anonymous!)
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5 Questions You Should Never Ask on a Sales Discovery Call
You’ve probably heard me say this before: Prospect discovery and pipeline discovery are two VERY different meetings. And, the questions you ask on a sales discovery call are MUCH different from those you ask in pipeline discovery. If you’re not adamantly nodding your head in agreement, go and read about the difference right here.
If we can agree that prospect discovery should feel light and focus on building rapport, you’ll also agree that we want to stay away from your typical discovery questions. All we need to do is find an edge, right? A hint of P.A.I.N., not deep actual pain.
So here are five questions you can ditch immediately and NEVER ask in a sales discovery call (warning, you were probably taught to ask all of these in training).
- What isn’t working about your current solution?
- What is keeping you up at night?
- If you had a magic wand, how would you fix it?
- What do you think not solving this is costing you?
- How does picking the right solution impact you?
Yes, if you Google, “10 best sales discovery call questions” you’ll see every one of these. So why am I hating? Because nobody wants to get into this with you right now. This isn’t a scheduled pipeline call, it’s a prospect call. They don’t necessarily HAVE a defined problem, and you asking more about it and what it’s costing them personally and professionally is just funny – and more than a little irritating.
Here are a few to try instead.
- What are you using today for XYZ? (your category here)
- What do you like about it? (finding likes, needs)
- What drew you to it? (finding challenges they’re solving)
- Any issues at all with 123? (likelihood of falling into potential pitfalls)
- Have you seen the new ABC? (insert cool related tech here [not necessarily yours] to test for newness)
Each of these map to the P.A.I.N. questions for prospect discovery. Each is designed to find a tiny edge you might be able to flip up into a full-blown need on the next call. Remember, the goal of the prospect discovery is NOT to collect fruit that has already fallen from the tree – those are pipeline calls (they have a need, they’ve found you, let’s talk about fit). Prospecting calls are when we’re climbing the tree looking for fruit that will be ripe soon. The most important thing you can do is not be pushed out of the tree! Back your questions off and just look for fruit.
Important: These questions should be asked in a light and positive tone. I’m not searching for what’s wrong, I’m asking genuine questions about your likes and dislikes and I’m learning with a curious and open mind about your situation, the market, and the competitive landscape. What I’m NOT doing is looking for a chance to wedge in my pitch, outsell who you’re using, or impress you with my better features. Remember, this is a connection conversation. If I learn about you authentically, don’t badmouth the competition, and present no threat of a hard sell then I’m just a nice person having a great conversation and I’ve moved from probable distrust into conditional trust.
That gets “yesses” to the next meeting.
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Fast and Easy Ways to Speak Value with Your Prospects [“Sales Shot” Workshop Recording]
Fast and Easy Ways to Speak Value with Your Prospects
[“Sales Shot” Workshop Recording]
Learn more about the sponsor of this event!
Need help adapting to the new remote selling world? Request a demo of Outreach, the #1 sales engagement platform that closes more deals faster — so your reps can achieve revenue goals from anywhere. Companies that choose Outreach can expect a 387% return on the investment over three years and an 11% increase in sales productivity (valued at $6.9M). See what the #1 sales engagement platform can do for your business today.