Only Bad-Ass Inside Sales Managers Will Coach

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Did you know that one of the reasons your Inside Sales Managers aren’t coaching their Reps is that they, too lack confidence? Let’s peer inside the under-confident Manager’s brain for a minute:

“What can I teach him? He’s a top rep!” or, “I’ve been at the company half as long as she has.” How about, “Last time we tried to coach he pushed back so much. I’m not up for this today…”

Yes, even great Managers find it easier to answer the email, fix the report, and respond to the customer issue. So let’s promote some bad-assery with our front line Manager coaches. How? Just a few simple words:

“Your team is so lucky that they get your input on their calls.” Or “Your reps really benefit from your insights. I love seeing you coach.”

Done. Bad-assery managed. Well done boss.

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