Sales Training: How to Get Buy-in From Your Salespeople

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Are you having a hard time getting salespeople bought into sales training and ongoing learning? Struggling to get their attention? Unable to get them to try and apply new skills?

It all comes down to behavior change. Getting people to try new things and change their behavior is one of the toughest things out there.

READ: What Makes Good Inside Sales Training?

That’s why I use a model called BLISS.

If you’re having trouble getting adoption, include each of the steps below represented in your training program.

B – Buy-in – If you want a salesperson’s time – their most valuable resource – you better show them upfront why it’s well worth their time. Show them ROI and results, or prove that they may need some help here. Basically, prove they’re in trouble without using the skill OR prove the benefit of using the skill.

L –  Learning – As training experts, I don’t need to tell you what good facilitation is. I use the CUP model. C stands for “Connect”, U for “Use” and P for “Practice.” If it’s a video, it’s not learning (more on that topic here).

I – Integration – We have to be able to use skills at the same time when we’re in sales. I can’t just have a folder of product training, skills training, and systems training and not integrate them. So, if you want people to use your new skill, show them HOW and WHEN it’s being applied. Help train the triggers of when to grab this folder and practice it integrated with other skills.

S – Synthesis – Make sure you’re practicing with other skills. If this is something that’s just in theory and sort of left on a shelf, it’s going stay on that shelf. Bring it into the real world. At Factor 8, we always make live calls practicing new skills during training. We’ve learned it, we’ve role-played it, we’ve talked about it, now we’re going to go do it and get some feedback on it.

S – Support – Getting busy revenue leaders to support training initiatives is rough. We’ve got to do buy-in for them as well. My tip here is make it FAST and EASY for frontline managers to support these new skills. Bring them into the training but give them tools to use. We have a manager toolkit for every class we teach with easy-to-use activities in huddles, classes, or training sessions to keep skills alive. Things like call coaching forms or call coaching cheat sheets to help them support the newly learned skills. 

Follow the steps in BLISS and you’ll blissfully ensure that salespeople will embrace and apply new skills. Need help? Email me at

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