Lauren Bailey Receives AA-ISP’s Top 25 Most Influential Sales Professionals Award

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AA-ISP has recognized Lauren Bailey, President of Factor 8, as part of the AA-ISP Leadership Summit 2018 at an awards banquet held on April 4th at the Sheraton Grand in Downtown Chicago, Ill.

“It is an honor to recognize Lauren as a recipient of this year’s Top 25 Most Influential Inside Sales Professional Awards. She has proven her dedication and commitment to advancing the profession of inside sales, which is the mission of the AA-ISP,” stated Bob Perkins, Founder. “We are confident that Lauren will continue to have an impact on the inside sales community for years to come”, stated Perkins.

A complete list of companies and individuals recognized by the AA-ISP will be published on the AA-ISP website, go to

About Factor 8

Factor 8 is an award-winning inside sales training and consulting firm catering only to inside sales. With decades of time in the trenches and first-hand experience with over 200 inside sales organizations, we’ve been turning Inside Sales teams into high-performing overachievers since 2007. At Factor 8, we think theory stinks. We’re known for delivering customized, actionable solutions that quickly drive top-line growth.

About AA-ISP

The AA-ISP, the global Inside Sales association and our industry’s most trusted and respected resource for everything Inside Sales, is dedicated exclusively to advancing the profession of Inside Sales. The association engages in research studies, organizational benchmarking, and leadership roundtables to better understand and analyze the trends, challenges, and key components of the growth and development of the Inside Sales industry. Our mission is to help Inside Sales representatives and leaders to leverage our information and resources through published content, local community Chapters, global conferences, career development, and an Inside Sales Accreditation program. For more information on AA-ISP, please visit

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