How to Overcome Brush-offs on Sales Calls [Webinar Recording]
How to Overcome Brush-offs on Sales Calls
[Video Recording]
[Video Recording]
[“Sales Shot” Workshop]
Plenty of sales reps love the convenience of email and LinkedIn prospecting. But rapid-fire, stock messages do little to build rapport and trust with your prospects.
That’s why, as much as some people despise it, you have to pick up the phone.
As young reps continue to phase into the sales force, there is a growing challenge for them to get beyond the keyboard. And while the pandemic certainly didn’t help matters, fostering those face-to-face (or voice-to-voice) connections has become more critical than ever.
Suffice it to say that salespeople can’t afford to rest on their laurels. We have to fight harder to build pipeline, persuade prospects, and win deals.
That means moving from behind the keyboard, picking up the phone, and utilizing videos in prospecting.
If you’re ready to crush it, here are seven tips that can help our reps make the most of phone and video in their prospecting efforts.
It’s important to connect with people on social and email, certainly. But think about it: when’s the last time you bought something over email?
Never mind that people are wary of scammers and phishing attempts. No one buys from text on a screen.
People buy from other people. More importantly, they buy from people they trust.
That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use email. But there are ways to make email more engaging and personal.
For example, emails that use video get a 96% higher click-through rate than those that don’t. It makes sense: video shows off your face, which helps to foster that personal connection.
So if you’re relying on a “spray and pray” approach to email where you’re sending as many as you can hoping for something to stick, just stop. You’ve got way more tools at your disposal.
Just getting started using video in your prospecting efforts is a great first step. But if you really want to maximize your chance of success, then you need to make your videos as watchable as possible.
Most people drop off of videos 70-80% of the way through. So it’s important to structure your video so you get their attention and deliver necessary value as quickly and efficiently as possible—before they click away.
Here are some tips to make your videos more watchable:
The first few seconds of a video are key to getting your relationship with the prospect off on the right foot. One great way to do this: use the prospect’s name.
This goes back as far as Dale Carnegie: people perk up when they hear their own name. When you use their name, you set the tone of the relationship as a familiar one, which increases their likelihood to trust you.
What’s more, when you use a prospect’s name in a video, it’s proof that you aren’t batch-sending messages. You’re taking the time to record a personalized message, which shows that you’re putting effort into building that connection.
WATCH: 10 Tips for Building Human-to-Human Connections on Sales Calls
It’s no surprise that phone calls used in tandem with email help to increase the likelihood of a response.
The problem, however, is that only 10% of sales reps make more than three attempts to reach a prospect. Calling more than three times may seem like a lot, when you consider that it takes anywhere from seven to fourteen touches to get a conversation with a prospect, then frequent follow-up is key to making that conversion.
Also remember that while email and social media are powerful tools, they have one purpose: to get you on a call with the prospect. That’s the only way you’ll be able to sell them.
Spray and pray is popular because it’s quick and easy. Even if half the data is incorrect, you’re spending so little time on each prospect that it nets out positive.
But when you’re taking the time to follow up multiple times, record videos, and build relationships with prospects, investing in the wrong people can be a significant time sink.
That’s why it’s important to do your homework. One tip we recommend at Factor 8 is if you get a voicemail, hit the 0 button to find the directory or talk to someone else in the company.
What I tell people is: try to be James Bond for about 10 dials. You’re going to learn something critical that will help you find the right person or provide you with important information that you can then use to land the deal:
Use your personality, talk to people, and get some critical account information that can help you become more successful as you build your relationship with them over time.
READ MORE: How to Use Sales Intelligence to Boost Profits
First of all: sales qualification is not the same as lead qualification. The latter is a marketing indication that a prospect may be ready to buy due to their engagement. Sales qualification is about how much money you can make with a particular account—what’s the potential that they’ll buy from you?
There are a number of factors that go into play here:
One great tip for this: don’t blow past the gatekeepers! In your haste to get to the decision maker, you may end up missing the opportunity to gain some vital information on the company that can help you tailor your video and phone communications.
READ MORE: How to Build an Account and Lead Qualification Strategy
If marketing could source leads and close deals on their own, we wouldn’t need sales.
The reason you have a job is because salespeople can do something marketers just can’t. You weren’t hired to send canned messages. Marketing can do that more efficiently than you.
Salespeople are there because personality makes a huge difference in how prospects feel about potential vendors. For many businesses, it’s the people that are the differentiator between themselves and their closest competitors.
So let people get to know you. You’ve been hired to be a personality. Use it!
If your sales team struggles to use phone and video effectively, Factor 8 can provide the training and resources needed to get everyone up to speed. Learn more about our training and coaching services here.
[Cheat Sheet]
There’s no ifs, ands, or buts about it – virtual selling is here to stay, folks. That’s why the transition from field to inside sales is becoming more prevalent.
If you’ve spent years perfecting the art of in-person selling and are struggling (or resisting) the shift to virtual, it’s time to get on track and embrace it.
I get it – virtual selling is a whole different ball game where reaching contacts is harder, your sales cycle is longer, talk tracks are shorter, and a whole slew of other things you’re not used to.
That’s why I took 30 minutes on our recent Sales Shot to break down key virtual and hybrid work practices that will help you feel like a superstar again.
Whether you’ve been at it for a while or recently transitioned, these are tips you can start implementing RIGHT NOW to help you fill those holes in your pipeline.
DOWNLOAD: How to Sell to the CFO to Keep Deals Moving
Do you like baseball? (Even if you don’t, stick with me for a minute.)
Home base is closing the deal and having a happy client – but you can’t get to home base if you aren’t even on first! First base is getting someone on the phone.
Chances are, they’re not going to pick up on the first try. In fact, less than 20% will connect on that initial call. Even if it takes 12 attempts to connect – you keep calling!
Research shows that 30% of leads are never even contacted at all. That’s a ton of missed opportunity. Especially when you consider that 82% of buyers admit they bought something after a series of cold calls.
So, moral of the story: Pick. Up. The. Phone.
If you’re making all these calls, you’d absolutely better be leaving a voicemail – a GREAT voicemail. In fact, make voicemails your new BFF!
Voicemails have a few different goals. The most obvious one is getting a callback. Realistically, most of them are probably never going to get returned. But here’s what you CAN do: create a positive impression of yourself and your company, and guilt them into either picking up the phone or eventually calling back. So, get creative and make it fun!
The 4 most effective types of voicemails are:
Whatever you do, ALWAYS leave a voicemail. No voicemail = no touch. It’s like buying a billboard and leaving it blank. Yikes!
Quick Tip: Send an email right after you leave a voicemail. Your likelihood of getting a response is MUCH higher when you mix voicemail + email.
A year ago, your quota probably looked a whole lot different than today. So, take your goals and break them up into smaller, more achievable pieces!
The average successful call is now just 3.5 minutes!
Structure your calls around these 3 key questions:
Do NOT go through an alphabetical list of prospects and pick away at it until you get to Z.
Take the time to actually qualify your leads and call based on that score! You’ll have A,B, C, and D leads (and you can probably skip the D leads). Start with your A leads and work your way down the list until you finish the C leads.
As a general rule, here’s how often to call each lead:
If you got someone talking on the phone after a cold call, the hardest part is over. So make sure you’re taking advantage of it by ALWAYS scheduling the next step WHILE you’re on the call.
Can you schedule the follow-up call now? How about sending a calendar invite with the next meeting’s info? Have you given your cell number to get theirs?
Give yourself permission to call back by urging them to look at their calendar and confirming when you’ll be connecting again.
WATCH: Transitioning from Field to Virtual Selling
Keep in mind, the more you try out these tips, the easier it gets and the more success you’ll see. So get on the virtual train with the rest of us and start building that pipeline. You got this!
You may have heard us talk about our SWIIFTSM Intro before. The idea is for your best sales script to focus on the buyer and add value so they stop typing their emails and start listening to you. When you have it, there is something even more powerful than the SWIIFTSM “ear perk,” and that’s a lever. A lever is a piece of information you have on the company, contact, industry, or history that says:
“Hey man, this isn’t a cold call. I’m important and you practically already know me. Tune in!”
The best lever is a name – preferably one in their company (e.g. their boss! An executive!), but in lieu of this, use some buying history, shared experience, shared external contact, or even events. Here are some examples:
(external name) Looks like we both know John Smith pretty well
(company history) We’ve been providing your security licenses for the past few years
(internal name) I work closely with Kathleen in marketing
(experience) I see we both attended the AA-ISP conference this year
But here is the all-time favorite and most powerful sales script (the name):
Bob! Lauren with Factor 8. I talked to Larry Reeves yesterday. He asked me to give you a call and I promised him that I would. Tell me something, are you guys expanding your sales force this year?
What’s different and powerful about this lever statement is that we leave the “why” to the contact’s imagination. And it’s probably generating something like, “Oh, snap! What’s going on!?” NOW Bob is paying attention, right? Also notice that I didn’t launch into some big history like:
“I talked to Larry and he said that he isn’t the right contact and that I should call you.”
Yeah, that just screams sales pitch! But it’s what I hear most often. Listen, if Larry gives you the brush-off and Bob’s name, just spin it into the above. OK, Larry, I’ll call him. Boom! You promised him that you would. So don’t fret about the wrong names on your list. They can be powerful levers!
And don’t leave out the SWIIFTSM question at the end of your intro. This is what gets them to STOP thinking about how to get you off the phone and START thinking of the quick and easy answer to your question. And guess what? Now they’re talking!
Need some help creating the best sales script ever? Download our SWIIFT℠ Intro in a Box Guide below!
[“Sales Shot” Workshop Recording]
Need help adapting to the new remote selling world? Request a demo of Outreach, the #1 sales engagement platform that closes more deals faster — so your reps can achieve revenue goals from anywhere. Companies that choose Outreach can expect a 387% return on the investment over three years and an 11% increase in sales productivity (valued at $6.9M). See what the #1 sales engagement platform can do for your business today.
Our Factor 8 trainers hear a lot of sales call intros. Thousands of them. And, the bad news is that there are a lot of bad intros out there. Really, I mean a lot of horrendous intros. The good news? They’re easily fixed and your reps can begin to see an immediate impact by implementing a few tips.
I shared with Sales Hacker how reps can fix their intros. Read about it here. Got a comment or call intro successes to share? I want to hear them! Share them with me on LinkedIn.
6 Horrendous Ways To Begin Your Sales Call (And What To Do Instead)
Let me just bottom line this bad-ass blog post for you guys. When reps are “scared” on the phone, this is what they’re scared of. Seriously. It is literally the very worst that can happen to them when selling on the phone. (Actually it would be a funny post to see what WAS the worst thing that ever happened to you when selling on the phone…let’s do that next!).
So my advice is, help this happen to them as soon as possible. In fact, put a contest around it and reward it.
It’s not EXACTLY like falling off a horse or throwing someone fully clothed into the deep end of the pool. . .but it’s the Factor 8 phone sales training equivalent. The rep who emerges on the other side? Total. Bad. Ass.
Watch the video for more details. Thanks for promoting bad-assery!
PS – Last week I talked at the SalesHacker / SalesForce conference in New York City (holy humid you guys. I didn’t even sight see!). I talked a lot about the benefits of focusing on your reps’ introductions and helping them get on first base.
We’ve built our first Factor 8 “Training in a box” and I’d love you to check it out. It’s free, and it has step by step instructions on how to use all our free training tools to roll out training on better intros to your whole team. Give it to your trainer or a sales manager and send us your results! Here’s the link to get it: